Keith Jones » Meet Mr. Jones

Meet Mr. Jones

B.A. Media Arts -- Post B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies -- Michigan State University
Teaching is not where I started career-wise, but I am very happy it is where I landed. After years of working in the hospitality industry, I returned to Michigan State University to pursue teaching. I wanted to stand in front of young people and tell stories about history. FlexTech changed my whole outlook on education. Project Based Learning was not something that garnered a lot of focus when I was in school, so my introduction to it was on the job. Being able to work with young people to develop projects that allow them to take ownership over their education, while also impacting their community, seems like a no-brainer for any educator. Further, I have been very lucky to incorporate my passion for media production into many of our projects. 
I have been at FlexTech - Brighton since 2012 and struggle to see myself teaching anywhere else. I have been allowed to grow as an educator with the support and guidance of fantastic administration and colleagues over the years. As the Chair of the Social Studies Department, I look forward to building and expanding upon the experiences of our students with the social sciences. I currently teach Civics, Economics, Young Entrepreneurs, and Media Arts, but I have also taught US Humanities, World Humanities, and a number of English Electives since being at FlexTech.
Film & Music enthusiast - Married - Aspiring Culinary Practitioner - Useless Knowledge Hoarder
Since I can remember I have always been a fanatic for music and film. I was very fortunate to grow up during the age of MTV. Growing up with a single mother, movies were our escape. TV was my babysitter many times. The amount of pop culture trivia that occupies my brain in regards to film and music is embarrassing. I bleed Green & White and love all Detroit sports. I'm an avid fan of MMA, and will suit up to play hockey when I am feeling young and spry. 
I got married in July 2020. It was a socially distanced, virtual event after having to cancel the original plan due to the pandemic. It ended up being great! We enjoy binging our shows, going to live concerts, seeing films, going on hikes, camping, traveling, and talking shop (she is a teacher as well). 
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Keith Jones
Social Studies Department Lead, Humanities & Media Instructor
Send email
810-844-3366 Ext.112