
COVID-19 Updates

FlexTech Community:
Please check this page often for updates on the impact COVID-19 will have on schools.  We will update this page as information becomes available and decisions are made.  We appreciate your patience as we work to create a safe and equitable educational experience for all of our students.
Latest Official Communication and Guidance
Information around this outbreak is changing rapidly. The latest information is available at 
Did you Receive a COVID-positive test result?
1) Per current MDHHS Guidelines, isolate at home for 5 days.
2) Contact the school to notify us of a student absence
Please call the front office at 810-844-3366 to notify the school.
3) Complete the Livingston County Health Department Self-Reporting Form
Use this form to notify LCHD of your COVID-19 positive status if you are a staff member of a Livingston County school or a parent/guardian of a child that attends a K-12 school in Livingston County. Questions about this form can be submitted to the LCHD COVID-19 email: [email protected].
4) Review guidelines for returning to school
Students, teachers & staff who test positive for COVID-19 and/or display COVID-19 symptoms should isolate regardless of vaccination status:
  • If asymptomatic, monitor for symptoms for days 0 – 10; and
  • Isolate at home for days 0 – 5 (day “0” is day symptoms begin or day test was taken for those without symptoms); and
  • If symptoms have improved or no symptoms developed, return to school. Wearing a well-fitted mask for days 6 -10 is strongly encouraged.
5) Make a plan to stay engaged
Students should reach out to their advisors to let them know they will be out of school.  Students should attend virtual support hours during FlexTime (2:30-3:15PM) Monday-Thursday and on Friday 9AM-Noon.
As a proactive step, we are asking students and parents to please complete this form so that we can monitor technology needs.  As we look to support all of our students during this time outside of school, we need to determine what our students need to be successful.  We are asking ALL FlexTech students to complete this form.  Please update your information if anything changes.
You can find more information here.
School Quarantine Guidance
Please review the following guidance based on MDHHS current guidance.
Individual is exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19 and:
1. Exposure is to a personal/household contact*:
  • Conduct symptom monitoring for 10 days; and
  • Test at least one time if possible 3-7 days after exposure or if symptoms develop; and
  • Wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days from the date of last exposure to protect others (home quarantine is an alternative for those who are unable or unwilling to mask); and
  • Avoid unmasked activities or activities with higher risk of exposing vulnerable individuals** for 10 days from the date of last exposure
2. Exposure is to other type of contact (from a community, social or work setting)
  • Conduct symptom monitoring for 10 days; and
  • Test if symptoms develop; and
  • Consider wearing a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days from the date of last exposure to protect others. At a minimum, wear a mask in settings with higher risk of exposing vulnerable individuals
Helpful Resources
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is pleased to announce that an online map has been developed for families to find locations where meals are being provided during this period of school closure. The map can be found at: and will be updated twice each day during the closure period.
Here's a map of WiFi hotspots in the state
Comcast and Charter Spectrum have both announced that they are opening up their wireless HotSpots for free to the general public. Additionally, both Comcast and Charter Spectrum are offering free internet for 60 days for qualifying families. Lastly, some wireless providers have removed their data limits during this time. Please check with your wireless provider to see if they are removing their data limits. (information shared with permission from LESA) 
Social and Emotional Wellness
We want our families to consider the impact that these events may have social and emotional wellbeing.  Please read more about the indicators of emotional stress and what you can do to support yourself or your student here:
The University of Michigan Student-Free Clinical is now working virtually.  View the flyer below for more details.