
October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Did you know that October is National Bullying Prevention Month? One of FlexTech's biggest strengths is the sense of community and acceptance we foster. We use research based programs such as Capturing Kids Hearts and the International Institute of Restorative Practices throughout our school. We hold informal circles in classrooms to cultivate a sense of classroom community and shared routine. We utilize co-created social contracts in order to insure that classrooms environments enable students to explore their passions and grow. We work with our students to help them grow and heal after conflict by using formal restorative circles, and coming to shared agreements about how to make things right. Our Advisory Representatives have been continuing to work on creating initiatives that encourage a sense of belonging, community, and empathy throughout the school. These are just a few of the amazing things that FlexTech does to make our school feel like home. We encourage our students to make this month and every month bullying-free and safe.