
Farewell to an incredible teacher, advisor, co-worker, and leader

I never thought I would do anything else besides teaching, but the last couple of years have shown me that there is more I would like to do. I am passionate about equity and the power of education to lift individuals from their present circumstances into a more stable future.  My decision to resign is not due to a lack of belief in everything that FlexTech is doing, but is a decision to pursue another passion of mine outside of the classroom.


As I wrap up this chapter in my life, there are certainly things that I will miss. I will miss the friendships that I have built and seeing one another daily. I will miss the emails of gratitude from parents and students. I will miss those magical moments when a young person finally realizes why we do school the way we do and begin to challenge themselves to view education and their place within it differently. I am sure that I will miss lesson planning and building a classroom culture and all of the little things that make teaching special. Educators are seriously the strongest people I know and will forever be heroes in my eyes.


Thank you, FlexTech, for every way in which you taught me more about myself. Thank you for believing in me, taking a chance on me 5 years ago, and for supporting me every step of the way. I look forward to continuing to support FlexTech however I am able through this new endeavor.


Take care,



Mrs. Combs